Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Blog Post #4

"she shifted in her seat, and I looked around the room again. I couldn't believe how depressing her office was. It was a small room on the second floor of a strip mall, above a dry cleaner's, and one storefront ovver from a popeyes. The whole place stank like week-old fried chicken, and I was supposed to take this skinny white woman seriously?" when I read this I had a real good image in my head of what the room looked like and this got me more into the story. I think setting description is a very important tool in writing so the reader can understand the story more.

If the main character was in the world I live in today I think he would be way more sucessful then where he is now. I feel like he wouldn't get in trouble as much and I feel like he would have a better envivonment and supporting cast around him. I feel like my main chacarter would overall have a brighter future to look ahead too.

1 comment:

  1. That is a good passage that really sets the scene. Even from just reading it, I can picture what is going on.
