Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Blog Post #4

"she shifted in her seat, and I looked around the room again. I couldn't believe how depressing her office was. It was a small room on the second floor of a strip mall, above a dry cleaner's, and one storefront ovver from a popeyes. The whole place stank like week-old fried chicken, and I was supposed to take this skinny white woman seriously?" when I read this I had a real good image in my head of what the room looked like and this got me more into the story. I think setting description is a very important tool in writing so the reader can understand the story more.

If the main character was in the world I live in today I think he would be way more sucessful then where he is now. I feel like he wouldn't get in trouble as much and I feel like he would have a better envivonment and supporting cast around him. I feel like my main chacarter would overall have a brighter future to look ahead too.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Blog Post #3

My book is exactly like the movie Get Rich or Die Tryin they are both about 50 Cent's life, but are not the same story at all. The book is focused more on the early teenage years and turning into a man. The movie covers his life up to when he makes it big. The author of the book and the movie are trying to say that anyone can overcome anything, 50 cent was shot 9 times but now he makes millions and he is on top of the rap game. Not everyone can relate to being shot 9 times and live but i think it shows whatever happens people can get through it. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Blog Post #2

In my book i like/hate the main character Butterball. One thing i don't like is how he randomly beat the crap out of a kid on the playground during recess. Also he said it was one of the best feelings he has ever felt in his life. I think he is a confused kid that is just going down the wrong path. Overall i think he means well and i think he just needs to change his environment. If the character Butterball found $100 he would keep it for himself. He would do this because he is growing up in poverty and $100 would be a lot of money for hiim to spend.

This is a pair of nike X series shoes, that Butterball has a pair like. This relates to the reading because since he is living in poverty he doesn't have a lot of nice stuff but he does have a good pair of shoes. Also his father told him to be a good looking man it has to start with his shoes.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Blog Post #1

I picked my book because I'm really intested in stories about someone who has to go through struggles before they can succed. In hip hop there are alot of those stories and some of them are great others not so much. I wanted to read about Tupac but i have settled with a book dealing with the childhood of 50 Cent. i picked this book and i like other stories like this because they give the feeling of hope and insirpation. I also love the stories of the underdogs. This book also shows the oppisite of my life, its about a kid growing up with adversity and in a city atmosphere. I am really excited to read this book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!